Monday 8 June 2009

European Election aftermath

I'd like to draw a parallel between some members of the Labour Party saying they still have a chance and Gordon Brown is okay, and the Iraqui information minister when Baghdad was being invaded by the allies, who was saying everything was under control and the allies were being repulsed with American tanks rolling up their main street almost behind him.

Glad the BNP didn't seem to particularly win any more votes that they did last time, however they have unfortunately benefited from the Labour collapse and won two seats in the European Parliament. And what's the story with UKIP, can't believe they've done so well - I can understand why people might vote for them but why have so many? Anyone else reminded of 1920's and 30's when certain extremist parties started to gain influence and momentum in the wake of a major recession and public discontentment?

UKIP want us to not be part of Europe, and to withdraw from the European Parliament, however isolationism isn't the way forward. It can be frustrating that the European Parliament now determines so many of our laws, however can the Labour Party or any of our own political parties really be trusted to do any better? If we divide ourselves from Europe we'll only end up being sidelined and sinking in the long term. Maybe Europe just needs a bit of a rethink as a whole as to how the EU works, to ensure things are a bit better balanced.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I forgot about the Iraqi information minister. He was brilliant! As far as bizarrely immature politicians in totalitarian regimes go, he really took the biscuit.

    On that note, why do so many politicians in such regimes seem to have no idea how they come across? It's like they don't really comprehend global communications and assume that everyone will take them at face value (which presumably their citizens have no choice but to do).

    Another recent example being Mugabe's "disease epidemic? What disease?" Then there's North Korea's hysterical screeching like a (primary school) playground bully.

    Our politicians might be a bunch of corrupt toffs, but at least they have a vague idea of how to work a good lie...
