Thursday 26 March 2009

G20 Summit next week

I have been reading about the G20 summit that's happening next week (02 April). Seems amazing we have chosen to hold this in our capital city and main financial centre. It's going to be a magnet for trouble makers with all the protest marches and current financial and social climate. I can't see the day passing of peacefully, there's bound to be idiots who converge on the City looking to make trouble, and one small spark could ignite a riot.

Imagine all those people in London, all worked up, one of them passes an RBS Bank where they happened to have lots of money invested which they've now lost, and they lose their temper. Some-one throws something and before you know it it's chaos.

I just hope there are more sensible people than plonkers who think causing trouble is going to solve anything. The last thing we need at the moment is a big clean up bill, and the countries reputation damaged which could out off investment etc. Apparently there might be attempts to crash the London Stock Exchange - just what my investments need right now! I wonder what danger there is of hacking versus financial institutions and online virus' specific to the day being released, worth keeping an eye out for.

The police ought to promote an absolute zero tolerance policy for the day, and maybe the days either side, I have a feeling the majority of us would support this.

Yes I'm sympathetic to people who are suffering and finding it hard at the moment, and who may have lost lots of money or been made redundant, but a big mess on the day isn't going to help anyone.


  1. Personally I have far more sympathy for those pissed off (whether they've lost money or not) than the money men and politicans. However, that doesn't mean it should be reason to be violent.

    I note that some city instituations are telling employees to either not come to work, or to come in casual clothes rather than normal suits etc so as to avoid being 'identified'. All rather unpleasant.

    On the plus side, maybe it'll give the more arsehole-like people in the City something to think about. Actually no, who am I kidding...?

  2. Unfortunately this sort of thing has been going on for longer than people think, and human nature means greed will drive it to happen again. Not sure you can change that - but people that work in financial services should be more responsible - luckily there is a big drive by the FSA to make it so.

  3. What's interesting is that people always seem surprised by greed, as if it's a new thing, or something they've not noticed before, rather than the primary driving factor behind most of humanity's development. :)

  4. Totally agree, some people call it the selfish gene theory.
