Thursday, 19 February 2009

T minus one day and counting

One day until we set off on our travels now. All looking good - bags packed nearly. Passports not lost which is always a good thing. Just tried using Twitter via my mobile which seems to work well so should be easy enough to send updates to my blog whilst away - subject to network coverage and not being lost somewhere!

Question is, what have I forgotten? Bound to be something.

Pretty uneventful day in Norwich today. Busy at work trying to get everything ready and handed-over for whilst I'm away. Got some good back-up colleague wise so should be fine.

RBS shares seemed to bounce back today which is good, wondering whether to sell or hold. Should be able to place a deal from somewhere whilst I'm on hols but might set a target sell price. Could lead to more money to buy souvenirs made from various bits of Kangaroo anatomy!

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