There were several big birds of prey swooping around the Peak and Sky Scapers, not sure what they were; maybe Kites of some sort, or perhaps just pigeons! They seem very into their birds in Hong Kong with all the parks we've visited have an aviary of some description. The park near the peak had a great walk through aviary. Also visited the Zoological and Botanical Gardens; lots of monkeys and two Orangutans which were unexpected. They are running a breeding programme there.
In the evening we went down to the harbour and watched the Symphony of Lights which was quite impressive. Lots of lasers and lights positioned on the sky scrapers and buildings around the waterfront on Hong Kong island, which all go off in time to music. It was a bit of a brand advertising exercise really however
worth watching; the Bank of America building was quite small in
comparison to many others! (relevant for work).
Off to New Zealand via Sydney next.
worth watching; the Bank of America building was quite small in
comparison to many others! (relevant for work).
Off to New Zealand via Sydney next.
Did you miss Nutter then? He'd have been right at home!