Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The running man...

Well not quite, but I did start running again this evening. Got to start training for the Norwich half Marathon about now; it's in November. Ran for about 30 minutes over a course which should only take me about 24 minutes, but hey, it's a start.

Training programme indicates I should run about 4 times a week, however I reckon that will be 3 times max a week with Kendo as well, and maybe some cycling to work if the weather isn't adverse to such activities; I'm definitely a fair weather cyclist.

Mike started this whole crazy idea of doing the Norwich half Marathon, which is just outside Norwich really. We're going to try and raise about a grand to support a Cystic Fibrosis charity after Steph passed away from a it a few years ago. Seems like a good thing to do. Somehow we've also roped in Chris P and Nigel C...if anyone else is interested give me a'll that's the word.